Welcome to The Noise with Max!

In this contemporary age of high-speed, high-volume, and high-intensity information, we've quickly gained an unprecedented number of ways to access and digest political news and commentary.

Whether it's the 24/7 cycle of *BREAKING* cable news, endless podcast episodes from just about any perspective you could imagine, your great aunt twice-removed's unhinged Facebook ramblings, or even the ever-so-original humble political blog (sounds familiar…), gone are the days where the average person just read a weekly newspaper or maybe watched the nightly news before bed and moved on with their life. Nowadays, you can (and let's be honest, are often forced to) access political news and commentary *everywhere*.

This is great… but it's also terrible.

There's a lot of noise, to the point where it can feel deafening. Because of this noise, many resort to tribalistic behavior when responding to any and every political event. They're caught in an echo-chamber. On the other side of the coin, you have folks who would rather just simply tune it all out than get involved in the mess - and really who can blame them?

And when navigating today's wicked world of politics, it also feels like you're being sold something. That you're just being thrown meat as a member of your tribe. I sincerely hope for this blog to function as more than that.

With The Noise, I offer a fresh, honest perspective on the current political landscape that while oftentimes laced with humor, is purposeful. I'm left-wing, yes. Quite unabashedly so. But more importantly, I'm honest.

I'm not a salesman. I'm not a politician asking for votes. I want to be your friend with sincere opinions that you can listen to from time to time - and yeah, who you'll disagree with sometimes, too.  But what you're getting is unapologetically me.

As a personal hero of mine once said, the words you'll read from me are unbought and unbossed.

No ulterior motives. No bullshit. Just me.

~ I'm sorry in advance.

Will this blog actually help break through the noise or really just add to it - who knows? Okay, real talk, probably the latter. But hey, it's worth a shot!

I hope you all will join me for this experimental ride as we head into the 2024 election cycle. There’s two tiers of blog subscription offered for The Noise - Basic Tier and Violet-Tier. You can learn more about the various perks that the Violet Tier has to offer below:

The Violet Tier

No matter what tier, I hope you will subscribe to my blog. You can do so using the nifty button below! Never miss an update when you do.

For now, onward and upward!

- Max

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optimistically progressive, terminally political